302 - NChunk

Termékkód: ADDAC302
Mennyiségi egység: db

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The ADDAC302 Nchunk Control module allows you to connect a Nintendo Nunchuck® controller to your modular synth

Alap jótállási idő: 2 év


The ADDAC302 Nchunk Control module allows you to connect a Nintendo Nunchuck® controller to your modular synth, featuring a two-axis thumb joystick, a three-axis accelerometer and two trigger buttons.

The module provides CV outputs for all of the Nunchuck's parameters and special functions to remap the CV outputs. The remapping can be both continuous or step-by-step and can be accessed through either the dedicated CV inputs or the manual controls.

A specially dedicated Mix output averages between the first two CV outputs, a very useful feature for continuous control parameters.

Specifikáció: 302 - NChunk

Megvalósított funkciók I/O
Szélesség (HP-ben) 8

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