Analogue Solutions

Cranial Saw

Termékkód: Cranial Saw
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Cranial Saw is a dual VCO with built in Sub oscillator, audio mixer, and many other useful features

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Cranial Saw is a dual VCO with built in Sub oscillator, audio mixer, and many other useful features. It is a one stop choice for a good VCO package.
It features two discrete component VCOs based on early 1970s circuits so they sound very vintage and are full of character.
The dual VCO performs best in mid to low range, and combined with the Sub-Osc, produces huge, powerful sounds.
The main pitch CV input goes through a Glide / portamento circuit.
There are modulation CV inputs with attenuators. Also, VCO2 has its own CV Mod input.
Each VCO has a Pulse Width slider and PWM CV input sockets.
The VCOs also have Sync. Cross modulation is possible by taking the output of say VCO1 and patching this to VCO2’s Mod CV input.
The built in mixer allows the two VCOs and the Sub-Osc to be mixed via their own attenuators. The mixer has its own audio output of course, but the VCOs and Sub-Osc also have pre-mixer, fixed level individual outputs.
The two VCOs each can be switched between Saw or Square waveforms.

Specifikáció: Cranial Saw

Megvalósított funkciók VCO
Szélesség (HP-ben) 38

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